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From: johnc@mcs.com (John Crookshank)
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Subject: Re: JPEG Artifact?
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on 03-Aug-95 14:17:55, Christopher McDonell (solith@eskimo.com) Emailed:
> I started with a BCD 2000 and a Panasonic AG7500 with worn heads.
> People who have never had to struggle with single frame animation
> controllers don't appreciate the PAR or other hard disc
> recorder/playback systems like those who have stripe tape with time
> code before they can even start to lay down animation. Sorta like
> formatting a disc before use, only it takes longer. Still, single
> frame to a beta or MII does produce work better than a PAR (I'm
> guessing here). It just beats the hell out of the deck in the process.
And at $700-$1000 for head replacements and gear/pulley rebuilds every
other year, the PAR pays for itself. I imagine you also had the occasional
tape dropout in the middle of your animation-to-tape, and had no choice
but to start over and re-render it.
Been there, done that.... Started with a Panasonic AG7750, and upgraded
later to a JVC BR-S822U. Never once rendered directly to tape again after
we got our PAR, in spite of the higher quality you get from direct-to-tape
rendering... Too long, too hard on the tape decks, too many grey hairs.